What was the author’s motivation for writing the book?
o What gives the author credibility in writing this story/topic?
o Has the author written other works related to this same theme?

Book to be reviewed: Barry, D. (2016). The Boys in the Bunkhouse: Servitude and Salvation in the Heartland. New York, NY: Harper Collins. (relates to class topic of ableism)

Assignment Details: After you have selected and read a book from the list provided in the syllabus, write a 4-6 page book review, or critical evaluation of the book. Your review should have the following key elements:
A brief summary of the book to set the context for your evaluation (approx. 2 pages). This is not a summary or plot description—I have read all of these books, so you can assume that the reader (me) knows the characters/themes/narrative. Include:
o What was the author’s motivation for writing the book?
o What gives the author credibility in writing this story/topic?
o Has the author written other works related to this same theme? For this, you may have to do a little research on the author’s background. (For example, what makes William Rhoden qualified to write about Black athletes? What are some other things he’s written on the topic of race and athletics?)
Critical evaluation (approx. 3-4 pages):
o Would you recommend this book to someone who wanted to learn more about  this topic? Why or why not?
o What connections can you make between this text and other material you read for the class related to the book’s topic (be sure to cite specific readings/other material in this part of the paper!).
o What questions does this book leave you with regarding the relevant themes?
o What are the book’s shortcomings?
o What does the book do especially well in addressing the particular “ism” that we have covered? Paper format:
o Must be 12 pt. font, double-spaced.
o Must use the style guide you use for your major (if you’re unsure which style to use, you can use APA—there is a helpful guide for APA style here:
o Must have a “references” or “works cited” page at the end of your book report (and this does not count in the paper page count) where you correctly cite all readings/materials, websites, any other material you cite for your review.Include the citation for the book you read for this assignment

Textbook used in class: Readings for Diversity and Social Justice (4th Ed.)

WATCH The Men of Atalissa (Links to an external site.) (approx. 40 minutes)

Additional materials are uploaded below.

The movie The Men of Atalissa to be included in the cited works.